Colin Graham

Colin Graham

Class Year



Skokie, Illinois




Data Science

At Carthage, Colin Graham ’26 is able to meet new people and make lasting friendships by engaging in campus clubs and activities. “The best ways to make friends at Carthage is to join clubs and organizations,” he says. “There are so many different clubs at Carthage, and so many great people who also want to make friends.”

He has no regrets pursuing an economics degree and can’t wait to enter the workforce in a field with so many opportunities. “Students should consider economics because it can really open them up to a ton of different opportunities and potential career paths.”

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“I chose Carthage because of the opportunities to create real connections with other students and professors and also because of the amazing location.”

Colin Graham, ’26

Faculty mentors

“Carthage faculty have helped me to better understand what it is I want to do in the future and how I can stay on track to get there. My relationships with faculty have helped me succeed — they always provide me with the resources and assistance I need and are always willing to help.”

Favorite class

“Law and Economics has been my favorite class at Carthage so far. We spent the whole semester doing research and writing up a legal memo on real issues that need to be addressed now, and we did so in a very interesting and fun way. I got to learn about a lot of very interesting and pressing issues, and taking this class really opened my eyes to a lot of different subjects I hadn’t really thought about before.”

Campus involvement

“I am on the e-board for Carthage Soccer Club here at Carthage. We play soccer twice a week throughout the whole semester.”

Favorite spot on campus

“My favorite spot on campus is the Campbell Student Union, as it is a great place to study with friends and get food while doing so.”

Favorite memory

“One of my favorite Carthage memories was going to bingo for the first time and seeing how fun and competitive it was.”

Best study tip

“One study tip that has really helped me to succeed here at Carthage is utilizing the study rooms in the library. The individual and group study rooms are great places to go to focus on something like an exam or a paper because they are both quiet places that provide students with a space to really focus in on what you need to do without distractions.”

Advice for other students in your major?

“Advice I would give to people considering economics is to stay open to job ideas, and don’t be worried if you don’t know exactly what you want to do.”

What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?

“My 8-year-old self would be very proud and surprised at my career path as economics wasn’t really something I considered until I got to college, which really shows how students should always be open minded when it comes to what they want to do.”